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terça-feira, 26 de agosto de 2014

5 things to know about the heart and blood vessels

1. Your heart is a hollow muscle that has four chambers filled with blood. Think of these chambers as rooms. When your heart beats, two of those chambers—the ventricles—squeeze, which shoots blood where it needs to go. Your right ventricle sends blood to the lungs to pump it full of oxygen, and your left ventricle sends that oxygen-rich blood to the rest of your body.

2. If your heart chambers are rooms, then your heart valves (highlighted below) are doors. They open to allow blood to go in and out, but shut to prevent it from backtracking.

My incredible body heart valves semilunar tricuspid mitral anatomy resized 600
Fun Fact: If the valves don't close completely, blood could leak backward. The heart would have to work even harder to make sure blood was getting to where it needed to go.
3. The atria (highlighted below) are temporary holding tanks for blood. Your left atrium holds the blood that's coming from your lungs, while your right atrium holds the blood that is returning from the rest of your body.
My incredible body heart atrium atria anatomy resized 600
4. Systemic veins and arteries are spread throughout your entire body and act like roadways for your blood. Systemic arteries send oxygen-rich blood from your heart to your organs and tissues, which gives them oxygen in order to function. Systemic veins takeblood that has lost its oxygen back to the heart, where it will be sent to the lungs for a refuel.
Fun Fact: The aorta is the largest artery in your body and is roughly the size of a garden hose!
5. The pulmonary vessels (branching structures in the image below) in the lungs work a little differently than the systemic vessels—in that they work the opposite way! The pulmonary arteries carry blood that needs to be refueled with oxygen to the lungs, while thepulmonary veins carry freshly-fueled, oxygen-rich blood back to the heart.

My incredible body heart pulmonary arteries veins lungs anatomy resized 600
Fun Fact: Pulmonary comes from the Latin word pulmonarius, meaning "of the lungs." 


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